Upload the video “Bagijigan - Offerings” from the website and provide a link to this page.
Provide the quote:
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Provide the picture:
Upload the video “Bagijigan - Offerings” from the website and provide a link to this page.
Provide the quote:
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Provide the picture:
Examine the image provided and the quote. What conclusions can you draw from them?
Why is it important to give back to the Earth?
What is the impact if we fail to do this?
What are some of the things that the Earth provides us with that we can't live without?
Research the concepts of greed and giving or generosity. Find keywords, phrases, and illustrations that demonstrate these qualities both in people and in larger companies and corporations.
Create a visual display and differentiate the two concepts using the words, phrases, and illustrations that you have collected.
Keep a journal for one week. For each day, write down three things you are grateful for.
For each entry, identify what you are grateful for and explain why you are grateful for it
(Today I am grateful for ... because ... )
How does it make your life better? Safer?
What would your life be like without it?
Post your weekly entries
Examine the image provided and the quote. What conclusions can you draw from them?
Why is it important to give back to the Earth?
What is the impact if we fail to do this?
What are some of the things that the Earth provides us with that we can't live without?
Research the concepts of greed and giving or generosity. Find keywords, phrases, and illustrations that demonstrate these qualities both in people and in larger companies and corporations.
Create a visual display and differentiate the two concepts using the words, phrases, and illustrations that you have collected.
Keep a journal for one week. For each day, write down three things you are grateful for.
For each entry, identify what you are grateful for and explain why you are grateful for it
(Today I am grateful for ... because ... )
How does it make your life better? Safer?
What would your life be like without it?
Post your weekly entries
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